Building Up Running After an Injury

At Vondelfysio, we understand how important it is to resume running safely and effectively after an injury. That’s why we offer the option to create a customized running plan for individuals looking to restart their running activities after rehabilitation.

The Importance of Proper Running Technique

The Importance of Proper Running Technique
When resuming running after an injury, paying attention to your running technique is essential. Proper running technique helps distribute the load on your body evenly and can prevent further injuries. Our experienced physiotherapists can guide you in improving your running technique, allowing you to run efficiently and injury-free.

Development of a Personalized Running Plan
Rebuilding your running routine after an injury requires a careful and gradual approach. Our physiotherapists consider various factors, such as the nature of your injury, your individual fitness level, and your recovery process. Based on this, we can create a personalized running plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Step-by-Step Progression
The running plan we develop for you will follow a step-by-step progression, taking into account your current fitness and recovery level. We start with a calm and gradual build-up program, carefully monitoring the duration, frequency, and intensity of your sessions. As you grow stronger and fitter, we will gradually increase the intensity to ensure your body adapts without overloading.

Monitoring and Adjustment
While following the running plan, our physiotherapists will closely monitor your progress. We will listen to your feedback and consider any symptoms or discomfort you might experience while running. If needed, we will adjust the plan to ensure you can continue training safely and effectively.


Our Specialist:

Hardloopschema voor- en na Revalidatie

Zodra je klaar bent met revalideren, is het van cruciaal belang om verstandig en gestaag terug te keren naar je normale hardlooproutine. Onze fysiotherapeuten kunnen je helpen met een persoonlijk hardloopschema voor na je revalidatie. Deze schema’s zijn ontworpen om de kans op het opnieuw optreden van blessures te minimaliseren en je uithoudingsvermogen en kracht op een veilige manier te verhogen.

In het herstelproces van een hardloopblessure, staan we naast je om je de ondersteuning en expertise te bieden die je nodig hebt om weer met vertrouwen te kunnen hardlopen. Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op voor een consult.