Sport rehabilitation 

Do you want to start playing sports again? Or get back in the gym? Maybe after having been inactive for a while? By Vondelfysio, you’re in good hands. We can fix you up with a tailor-made training programme under the watchful eye of a physiotherapist, who is also a certified personal trainer.

Tailor-made physiotherapy

We’ll help you get back on track, in your gym or on your bike in no time. Together, we’ll tackle everything from ‘regular’ to severe back pain, neck and shoulders injuries, muscle injuries, sprains, posture problems or rehabilitation before or after surgery. Our treatment plan consists of all sorts of mobilization and exercise therapy. After the first interview, we’ll make a physiotherapeutic diagnosis and discuss the prognosis and treatment plan together. When necessary, our team works with other (para)medics. Also, if you are temporarily unable to come to the practice, we’ll come to visit you at home. Who’s your daddy?

If you are unsure whether we can help you, give us a yell using the contact form below (Don’t be polite, include all your doubts and fears!)